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Sunday, September 16, 2012

Life is Abundant

This year we have been blessed with a garden and fruit trees that have produced beautifully.  Not only have we been able to share some of our produce with friends and family, but we have canned and frozen tons of food.  OK, not tons but sufficient for us.  We have frozen some of our sweet corn, raspberries and blackberries.  Our green beans, peaches, sweet peppers, jalapenos, cilantro, basil, tomatillos and tomatoes have ended up in tasty bottles of peach salsa, tomato sauce, spaghetti sauce, green sauce and chili.  We traded peaches for apples with another family in our ward and combined them with our apples and made applesauce and 12 quarts of apple pie filling.  Theresa doesn't think 12 quarts of apple pie filling are enough for the winter.  I pointed out that would be about 2 pies a month.  She is satisfied with  that amount because that still leaves two Sundays for chocolate chip cookies.  We aren't done canning yet.  I am going to can more beef chunks, grape jelly and more applesauce.  I am glad for a break right now though!

In the picture of canned green tomatillo sauce and apple pie filling, you will notice two things I can't live without for canning.  One is vinegar-keeps my jars from getting gucky on the outside.  The other is my digital scale.  Before I got this scale, I used to get on a scale take my measurement then get on with a sack of apples (or whatever).  To get the right amount of apples I would have to get on and off the scale.  The digital scale is wunderbare.  Simple to use and accurate, too.  I got mine at Costco.

I'll be sharing my new and improved recipes soon.

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