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Friday, September 21, 2012

Volunteering at our Old Folks Home

Today was our Lyon County Republican Womens turn to host the monthly birthday celebration at our local Old Folks home.  Organizations and churches volunteer once a month to host this wonderful event.  We furnish the cake, ice cream and presents for all those having a birthday during the month.

An elderly gentleman in our town brings his keyboard and talent and shares music from the past with the party goers.  Sometimes it brings tears to the residents eyes as they remember good times, but mostly the music brings big smiles and happy finger and toe tapping to the beat.

Today was different than the past celebrations I have been at.  There were several children and a couple of spouses there to help their loved ones celebrate.  Usually this means helping their loved one eat their cake and ice cream because the loved one  can't feed themselves anymore.  It was great to see.

Before my mom passed away last December I loved doing this service, but now I feel sad as I visit and talk with the residents.  One of the first comments from most of the residents is, "I want to go home."  It makes me so sad for these individuals.  They feel lost and alone.  I do enjoy bringing a few minutes of joy into their lives by sitting and visiting with them, but it is very hard not to cry.  I miss my mom.  In January, our church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, will be hosting the event.  I look forward to it.

On another note, today Theresa and I helped clean up a store front for Mitt Romney and other republicans running  for office.  We are excited to volunteer at the office to get information out about the various campaigns.  The energy is great and hope is in the air as we try to get our country back on track.

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